Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tolle, lege!

Hello, avid reader. Welcome to The Missing Readers Book Club. In case you were wondering how the heck did I ever get your email address, remember how Facebook got hacked and profiles became available in one massive torrent download?

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I got it from a mutual friend.

I heard it through the grapevine that you consume (not necessarily eat, no) books during your free time. I myself am such, and I have been looking for kindred souls such as yourself. I'd like to invite you to my book club, and together we shall rule the world (evil laugh).

Hopefully I haven't scared you away yet, but rather have piqued your curiosity with my very mysterious persona (which I worked hard on perfecting, by the way). Will you be my fellow Missing Reader?

Not even a question. Of course you'll say yes.

Now, I am not much for rules, but I figured we ought to have some if we'll ever make sense here. Hence, some The Missing Readers Book Club guidelines:
  • You are free to read whatever you feel like reading at the moment. Personally, I find the book-of-the-week thing a tad restricting, like a very possessive lover. What if I've already read this week's pick? What if I have a fear of dogs, fictional or otherwise? What if tomorrow's the end of the world and we're supposed to read Twilight? (No offense meant, fans.) You can read anything about everything, be it the Bible, or Shakespeare, or The Complete Idiot's Guide to Critical Reading.
  • Post about your progress, thoughts, personal troubles, etc. Whether it's about the page you're on, a quote you like, or how your stupid English professor gave your all-time best essay a disappointing grade, this book club will hear you out. Think of it as your other family - the one without chores and pressures on your future career choices.
  • Do tell how good (or bad) the last book you read was by posting a 100-word-or-less review about it. Everybody's on a rush, and given how much people's attention spans have decreased nowadays, a 100-word-or-less review would suffice. It doesn't have to be elaborate (with a hundred words? ha); make it short and simple. Most importantly, it doesn't have to be boring. Some examples:
  • The Bible by various authors
A holy read. A bit of a drag somewhere in the middle, but the Revelations part was mind-blowing.
  • Twilight by Stephenie Mayer
Edward Cullen = OMG. Why do you not exist in real life?! You're way too good for Bella Swan. MARRY ME PLEASE!
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Critical Reading by Amy and Regina Wall
Informative. Very, very informative.
  • Rate your books. For more individuality, each member is encouraged to devise their own rating system. Again, please don't be boring. Boring people die early, you know.
  • Post photos. Unless you're in some sort of witness protection program, we'd love to see your lovely face once in a while. Not necessarily behind a book, of course.
  • Tag properly. For posterity's (and proper archiving's) sake. This includes the book's title, author, your name, and any other pertinent tags.
  • Read to your heart's content. And enjoy!
If you have comments, suggestions, or violent reactions, or would simply like find out who I am, feel free to send me an email. I promise to get back to you promptly, wherever I am.

Now, take up and read!

- The Missing Reader

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